
Dismusic, a performance focused music system made for Discord.js version 14

Getting started

Install Dismusic

npm i dismusic@latest

Then install ffmpeg-static and @discordjs/opus

npm i ffmpeg-static @discordjs/opus

Create a discord bot using discord.js

const { Player } = require('dismusic')
const { Client, GatewayIntentBits: Intents } = require('discord.js')
const client = new Client({
    intents: [Intents.Guilds, Intents.GuildVoiceStates, Intents.MessageContent, Intents.GuildMessages]
const player = new Player(client)

player.on('trackStart', async function(queue, track) {
    console.log(queue, track)

client.on('messageCreate', async (message) => {
    if(!message.content.startsWith('!')) return
    const raw = message.content.replace('!', '')
    const args = raw.split(' ')
    const command = args.splice(0, 1)[0]
    if(command === 'play') {
        const res = await player.search(args.join(' '))
        const existsQueue = await player.existsQueue(message.guild)
        if(existsQueue) {
            const queue = await player.getQueue(message.guild)
            message.reply('<a:host_loading:1022886955266080789> Adding track(s) ' + res[0].name)
        } else {
            const queue = await player.createQueue(message.guild, {
                // metadata will stay with the queue until it is destroyed
                metadata: {
                    channel: message.channel
            await queue.connectTo(message.member.voice.channel)
            message.reply('<a:host_loading:1022886955266080789> Adding track(s) ' + res[0].name)
    if(command === 'skip') {
        const queue = await player.getQueue(message.guild)

client.on('ready', () => console.log(`Logged in as ${client.user.tag}`))


There are docs for the package here

If you encountered any problems or have a question, feel free to join our discord server

Example bot(s)

These bot(s) were created by awesome people in order to help you with making your own